"Ya gotta get on Facebook". "Everyone is one Facebook". "Why aren't you on Facebook"?
I got tired of hearing it, so now, I am on Facebook! I look pretty pathetic with a measly 23 friends, so if you are reading this and are on facebook I wanna be your friend!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Elf on the Shelf

We started a new tradition with the kids this year - "The Elf on the Shelf". Our elf, "Alfie" came to us on November 29th. He is a small red elf and came with a story book. The story tells about how the elf will keep watch over the kids during the day (he even sees what goes on at school!) and by elf magic he goes back to the North Pole each night to visit with his elf friends and report to Santa. In the morning, he is sitting in a new spot to keep watch!
The kids are LOVING this! They love searching for Alfie each morning, and they love reminding each other that he is watching - he watches both the naughty and the nice! Alfie has been spotted in many different hiding palces in the last 13 days. We'll miss Alfie when he goes back to the North Pole on Christmas Eve, and we'll anxiously await his return next year!
Perched in a wreath
Riding with Santa!
Hangin' with the Nutcrackers!
Swingin' like a monkey!
Name Change!!!
I never really liked the original name of my blog. So....time to change it! This title is very fitting of most of the content that I blog about and, it's also a nod to my favorite singer of all time - Billy Joel! "And So It Goes" is a song on Billy Joel's Stormfront (1989) album. So, there is the new name for now, we'll see how long it lasts :)
Monday, November 10, 2008
'Bye Mags.... :(
It was such a sad day in our house today. Our little dog Maggie passed away. She started acting funny yesterday, but she was still eating and moving around. We called the vet first thing this morning and got an appointment for 3:00. She passed away at home about 12:30. It was so hard when her sister Molly died 1 1/2 years ago, but we still had Mags then. Now, we are dogless for the first time in 14 years. It feels so empty. Maggie, all 2.1 pounds of her, will be very, very missed.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
All I want for Christmas....
Is my two front teeth!!! Adam's tooth was hanging by a thread, and driving us all nuts! So, he got brave, went down to see his principal Sr. Jerilyn (she LOVES pulling the kids teeth!) and here is the result - TOOTHLESS!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I don't usually get political here, but I do have to say I am very dissappointed in the outcome of the election last night. I knew BO was going to win, but seeing it happen stunk. Well, hopefully in 1,461 days we will be putting someone new in the White House.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Trick or Treat!!!
What a fun Halloween! At school this year, we decided to try something new. We did a "Trunk or Treat" - the parents parked at the school, decorated their trunks and handed out treats to the kids as they were parading by. It was so much fun! One family even had a generator with a huge blow up pumpkin! Here is my trunk and some various pics from the day!

Costumes were a quick decision this year. Both kids were Indiana Jones for the Disney Halloween party when we were in Florida earlier this month, and Andrew wanted to be that for home too. Adam wanted to be Mutt. Who is Mutt you ask??? It's Indiana Jones' sidekick (and later Indy finds out it's his son!). No one knew who he was, but Adam though he was soooooo cool!
Between the Trunk or Treat and regular trick or treating, we have TONS of candy - Doug will be taking lots of it to work with him on Monday!
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