Monday, December 29, 2008
Peer Pressure got to me....
I got tired of hearing it, so now, I am on Facebook! I look pretty pathetic with a measly 23 friends, so if you are reading this and are on facebook I wanna be your friend!
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Elf on the Shelf

Riding with Santa!
Hangin' with the Nutcrackers!
Swingin' like a monkey!
Name Change!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
'Bye Mags.... :(
Thursday, November 6, 2008
All I want for Christmas....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Trick or Treat!!!
Costumes were a quick decision this year. Both kids were Indiana Jones for the Disney Halloween party when we were in Florida earlier this month, and Andrew wanted to be that for home too. Adam wanted to be Mutt. Who is Mutt you ask??? It's Indiana Jones' sidekick (and later Indy finds out it's his son!). No one knew who he was, but Adam though he was soooooo cool!
Between the Trunk or Treat and regular trick or treating, we have TONS of candy - Doug will be taking lots of it to work with him on Monday!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Birthdays, Babies and a Shark Attack!
Yesterday 9/5 was Poppie Stetser's birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY POPPIE!!!!! Wish you were here in NJ!

Congratulations to Susan and Matt on the birth of Madison Joy! She was 6 lb, 1 oz - what a peanut! We can't wait to meet her! Poppie must be so happy - his first Great-Grandchild born on his birthday!
SHARK ATTACK....Rivershark that is....
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
School Time!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
What's in a name??
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Ocean City, NJ

Random pictures of the night

Remember that spending money that was burning a hole in the kid's pockets? Well, Andrew got a mood ring, Adam got a sword (surprise, surprise) and then they combined the rest of the money to get:
Yup. A hermit crab. Remember, Grandmom said "whatever" they wanted to spend the money on. So, we have "Hermie" (my kids are so original!).
We had a great night on the boardwalk!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Summer Recap!
Moving on to July....
We attended the Paulsboro 4th of July parade, as always. But hey - no pictures again! The next day was the Stetser Family Picnic. It is a lot of fun, but it's a ton of work. I spend about 5 or 6 hours preparing for it. It's held about 70 minutes away at Delanco Camp in Vincentown NJ. It's an all day affair, so lots of food to pack, games, swim equipment, fishing equipment and so on. But, it's so nice seeing all the relatives we only get to see once a year. And, the kids have a great time fishing with Poppie and their Uncles
All the "Stetser Guys" wore the shirts that John bought for them. The shirts have the image of John Stetser, Sr.'s fishing boat embroidered on them and the name of the boat, the Capt. Stetser
Another highlight of July was a trip to Northlandz in Flemington, NJ with Grandmom and Poppie Stetser. Northlandz is a HUGE model train display museum. When you are doing walking through, you have walked 1 mile! The displays are unbelievable - so much detail. I can't even begin to describe it!
We all had a great time - what a neat place! Thank you Grandmom and Poppie!
Another highlight of July was the Lee Graduation Party. If anyone can throw a party, it's the Lee's! The party was to celebrate Russell's 8th graduation from St. Margaret's and Kyle's graduation from Gloucester Catholic. They rented a HUGE gladiator pit and it was the hit of the party! Doug and I even gave it a shot! I won :). Adam was using it as a trampoline. The boy loves to flip! Sorry for the sideways video - I don't think there is a way for me to rotate a .avi file!
Katie and Annie doing battle on the gladiator!
And yes, that is a mohawk on Kyle's head. It was something he wanted to do, so he did it. It lasted about a week and a half before he shaved it off
A play the kids were in

And the end of the reading program party and a day of water fun!