How stinkin' cool! We went to the Franklin Institue Science Museum to see the special "Star Wars - Where Imagination Meets Science" exhibit. Adam was in awe. The child has been OBSESSED with Star Wars since age 3. They had original costumes, R2, C3PO, Luke's landspeeder and so much more! Adam went decked out in his Anakin costume.
We were in the exhibit for a loooooooooooooong time, then went and saw the movie "Far, Far Away: The Worlds of Star Wars" in the Fels Planetarium and then went to see the IMAX movie "Dinosaurs Alive". Finally, we toured the rest of the museum! We are members, so we go all time and did'nt mind missing a thing or two! We were there from opening to closing - and we are beat!
Andrew took a friend and Wayne joined us. I think we wore him out - good practice for Disney World (only 203 more days, not that I'm counting or anything!!!)
I would highly recommend this exhibit if you are a Star Wars fan!
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