Monday, August 18, 2008

Called To Serve....

Andrew has been counting the days until he can be like his big cousin Russell and before him, Kyle and be an alter server. To be an alter server, you must have made your 1st Communion. Andrew made his in May. Of course, I didn't post it because I am bad about blogging. Here he is on his First Holy Communion Day

Usually, you need to be in 4th grade to alter serve. Well, things at St. John's are a little less strict and, my brother in law Sean is in charge of the servers. So, this summer Andrew was trained to alter serve. We were thrilled, because with all the church closings and mergers, we wanted him to be able to serve at St. John's before our doors are closed. He did a great job on his first time out. Honestly, I don't think I paid one bit of attention to Mass that day, I just watched Andrew. And Andrew watched his partner Russell. Whatever Russell did, Andrew did. And I mean WHATEVER - Russell scratched his nose, Andrew scratched his nose. Russell folded his hands, Andrew folded his hand - you get the picture. Andrew has served every week at 10:30 Mass since. Russell was sick one week, so he did it all on his own! He was NOT happy, but did a great job. We are very, very proud of him. We are glad that he wants to take an active part in the church and the Mass that we all love so much!

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